Sunday, May 21, 2017

Kylie and Gretchen: ‘Mon-El Is Supergirl’s Kryptonite’

From The Fandomentals:

Alex’s assertion that Kara has feelings for Mon-El came completely out of the blue. Kara had only ever said she doesn’t like him that way. To go from “I don’t like you because of the way you are” (2×11) to “I thought you were thoughtless and selfish. And I kept writing you off, and you kept proving me wrong. And it just got me thinking. Maybe I can have it all” (2×12) makes zero sense. First of all, we’d like to see the receipts for how Mon-El “kept proving [Kara] wrong”. From what we can tell, he hasn’t made consistent or lasting change since he first began exhibiting lack of respect for Kara due to his romantic interest.

Read the full article.